Who is the man in your relationship? Seems like a silly question, I know. Bare with me.
This is the age of strong women. Women who are accomplished, uber intelligent, and crazy successful. Trust me – there’s no one more excited about where women are today than me; but when it comes to relationships, you have to know where to draw the line and let the man be the man.
Ladies, masculine is NOT the new black! If you are a driven, successful, “Type A” woman in your professional life, it’s easy to let that role continue in your personal life. You may need control, or feel like you know what’s best ALL the time. Maybe you do, but if you want your man to be happy for all of eternity, you need to let him take the reins.
While independence and intelligence are attractive to most men, they still want a woman. They still NEED to feel like they are taking care of you. It’s evolution baby. Don’t try to manage, or “run”, him. Don’t make all the decisions in your relationship. Let him do things for you, and thank him when he does. It’s OK to be soft when it comes to relationships. You can take control of your own life, and you SHOULD – don’t ever let someone else control your feelings or your life in general – but let HIM run the relationship. You’re not less successful, or less smart, or less capable, or even less independent if you do. Trust me – he needs it more than you do; and by giving it to him, you’re not only allowing him to exercise his rights as “the man” in the relationship, you’re showing him how much you respect and care about him. Any bedroom issues? Could they be because he feels immasculated? Or because he’s not attracted to your overwhelming masculine energy?
So take charge at work. Kill it at the gym. Leave no prisoners in the board room. But when you get home, take a shower, put on something feminine, and let your man be the man. Don’t try to fix his problems, don’t tell him how he should have done something better or differently, and don’t control every situation. Be confident enough in yourself to be vulnerable. Strong women unite – and love the girly, lovey, lacey, flowery parts of yourself enough to let them shine through!
Lots of Love,
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