Staying with our theme from this past month, today I’ll take a look at our last examples from the Shape magazine article, “Online Dating Disasters That’ll Make You Glad You’re Single”. These two examples have to do directly with Tinder, and are – I’m certain – only a few horror stories about Tinder disasters. These examples are from Molly and Summer:

Swipe Left
 “I’d been dating my then-boyfriend for six months when I started playing on my friend’s Tinder account. She was single, and I was curious how the whole thing worked. And within five people, I ran into a photo of my boyfriend. Worse: I’d been the one to take the picture!” -Molly, 24 

One Date, Two Identities
: “I met a guy on Tinder whose name was Nick. He and I exchanged e-mail addresses after the first date. His e-mail handle included his first and last name. Not much came up when I Googled him, but a Facebook page with his photo came up, so I didn’t think much of it. About a month later, he told me he had something to tell me. Turns out, his real name was completely different than what he’d given me. He said that he created a fake name and Facebook page to protect him from creeps while dating—not realizing that his behavior was what was creepy!” -Summer, 26

My disclaimer: I hate Tinder. I think it’s a shallow, useless way to “hook up” and should never be used for the purpose of finding real love.

OK, now that that’s out of the way… Our first story from Molly reminds us of how easy it is to “shop around” while you’re in a relationship. People can now look for the “bigger and better” thing while dating! And we wonder why relationships don’t last these days. People give up at the first sign of trouble, thinking it’ll be easy to jump on a dating site or a dating app and find an upgraded replacement.

With Summer, at least her new beau told her the truth; unlike Molly who had to find out on her own. Still, you wonder about someone who goes through the trouble of developing an entire second identity, just to “weed out” the creeps. Like Molly said, HIS behavior was creepy — probably because it shows how easy it would be for him to create a second LIFE as well. Too many guys (and women, sorry guys) who have the whole “second identity” thing figured out. Another reason to stay off online dating sites and apps!

Sadly, these days you can’t be too careful. Think with your head first when you communicate with online matches. Do your research and don’t be afraid to snoop around a bit before getting invested in ANY way with others. Sheesh, trusting people is hard enough these days!!

Good luck – and Lots of Love!
